How to preserve dress shoes in rainy days

04/02/2020 | Banuli

Men's shoes are an indispensable accessory for every office man. A pair of western shoes help to assert the elegant  yet masculine style of a mature man. A quality dress shoes are considered as a fashion item that represents the charming beauty of men. And in the world of fashion, the leather is a symbol of quality and is used quite a lot to make the products like shoes, purses, belts, bags. However, despite its durability, the leather will be destroyed if not stored and used properly.


The characteristic of leather material is hydrophobia, because moisture is the cause of unpleasant odors and contribute to the breakdown of leather. Although the leather has undergone an elaborate procedure, it is still susceptible to damage over time by moisture. Therefore, you need to pay great attention to care for your beloved leather shoes in rainy days.

In wet weather, you should keep your shoes out of the sun and limit the impact of moisture on the leather:

- Limit leather shoes exposed to moisture such as rain, sweat, and other liquids. When wearing shoes, this helps to prevent sweat from penetrating into the leather and to avoid damage to the leather and causing bad smell to the feet.

Always keep the shoes in a cool and dry place, and do not put them in plastic bags or boxes that are too tight. You can use wooden shelves that are located above the wall that have a certain distance from the ground to store shoes, this helps to avoid the shoes from contacting with wet ground for long time.

- Unprotected leather will harden and crack faster. Remember to use the preservative regularly after the leather has dried and cleaned.

- Leather often has a typical odor, so regularly clean shoes with a damp towel and dry them immediately afterwards to eliminate unpleasant odor.

In the case that the shoes are wet, quickly dry your shoes:

- Firsly, remove the shoe lining and dry it in the house. Use a damp cloth to remove stain on the shoes, and  then wipe it with a dry cloth.

- Put the paper inside the shoe to shape the shoe and change the paper about 2-3 times in 1-2 days. Note that dont leave the newspaper in the shoe too long, this will cause the ink in the newspaper printed on the shoes.

- Do not dry shoes under the sun because leather will shrink, tight, broken.


Also, do not forget to take care of your western shoes weekly:

- For suede shoes, use a soft wet towel to clean the stain and let it dry naturally. Do not use shoe polish.

- For shoes that you use them daily, wipe and rub 1-2 times a week. For shoes that you had not used for a long time, use a thin layer of shoe polish before using.

- For shoes that you have not used them until whenever, polish them, put the paper inside the shoes and place them in nylon wrappers.

Learning how to preserve the shoes is very important, but learning how to distinguish between genuine leather and imitation leather is also very necessary. Equip yourself with this valuable knowledge to make smart choices when buying shoes. Or find a real leather shoes supplier that will save you a lot of time. If you still do not have a reputable shoe retailer, try visiting Banuli - a shop that I always trust, to experience their products and services.

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