How to clean the dusty men's leather shoes

04/02/2020 | Banuli

Vietnam is a tropical monsoonal area with plenty of rain and this type of weather is considered the number one enemy to high-grade leather shoes due to reducing their longevity and beauty. For guys who love leather shoes, the stains are really hateful, so you need to take care of them. The article below will show you the mistakes that you often make when taking care of leather shoes and how to clean the dirty leather shoes.


Mistake when removing dirt with a dry tissue

The stain is a combination of water and soil. When you use paper to remove these stains, dry paper only absorbs water and dirt will stick to the surface of the paper, which means that you are cleaning your shoes with the piece of dirty paper. This will create scratches on the leather surface of the shoe and make the stains cling tightly into the pores of leather.

The way to cure this situation is very simple. Instead of using a dry paper towel, use a damp paper towel, so make sure it's damp but not wet. Because if you use the wet towel, it's like you are washing your leather shoes. And the wet towel will be prone to be shreds when you wipe it, which makes your shoes look dirtier.


Mistake when waiting stains for being dry to handle

The biggest mistake in the care and maintenance of high-end men's shoes is to wait stains for being dry to begin processing. Sometimes, your shoes get dirty while you are out and it is very difficult for you to get the tools to handle the stains immediately, so when you get home, the stains get dry. At this time, you often use shoe brush to rub on the leather to remove the dry stains. This will cause the stains to peel off more or less, however, this will cause  severe scratches on leather surface.

Use a wet towel or a damp cotton towel! Moisture of the towel will cause the stains to dry on the soft leather surface, and with only a mild scrub, you can remove them. During the cleaning process, always wash the towel to remove the stains on the towel first, then squeeze dry and re-scrub, otherwise the stains on the towel will stick to your leather shoes. For stubborn stains, use a little soap to clean.


Dirty leather shoes will not allow the leather to breathe, which will cause foot odor besides a decrease of aesthetic beauty and the longevity of the shoes. So, invest a little effort in taking care of your shoes for the best pair of leather shoes.

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