Dressing beautifully at the age of 30s for men

04/02/2020 | Banuli

For men's fashion, the age of 30s will be an important step for you to start shaping your own fashion. At the time you had a stable career so starting to choose and invest in costumes is something that you should think about. Seriously investing in the basic items that make up your wardrobe and make you more confident in your appearance.


Choose a fit dress

You should choose the costume that suits your body and you should not absolutely buy any items that are oversized, not only will you look like an idiot but also lose a lot of confidence if you feel uncomfortable when moving and communicating with people.

Choose the right color

It is also the time to choose the right color for your skin. As a rule, the light colors will outline the dark skin and the light skin will work well with dark colors. Once you've chose the main tone, notice the combination of similar tone with small accessories such as socks, handkerchiefs and ties. You will look great with this combination.


There are a variety of clothing outlets and shops that you can choose from for the age of 30s and your money. Make use of your money to add trendy accessories to your wardrobe in different seasons.

Learn how to protect your shoes

When looking at a person, people tend to look at the shoes first. Therefore, it is a big mistake if you forget your high-end leather shoes when choosing a complete outfit. If you've got the right shoes, learn how to take care of your shoes carefully by keeping shoes fresh and clean.

Important items to invest in the age of 30s


White shirt

You will soon realize a rule that white shirts will be perfect with everything and on every occasion without having to consider anything. White shirts with different designs will help you avoid the boredom of this classic type of dress.

A suit

A quality western dress will make you look cool and classic on the occasions such as weddings, interviews ... The most basic color you should choose for your first suit is the deep blue color that you can easily mix with any accessories.

A good watch

Like a suit, a watch is one of the things you should think about. You can choose the smart or leather watch depending on your personal preference and desired function. Do not forget to protect your watch carefully from scratches and breakings during wearings.

A pair of dress shoes

You will need at least 2 pairs of black dress shoes. The rule is that the simpler the dress, the easier it is to mix, so you should buy an Oxford from Clarks or Banuli for daily change.

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