04/02/2020 | Banuli

Real leather products are eassy to get humud and the weather condition in Vietnam with heavy rain, hot and humid conditions will facilitate mold apperance. However, if you know hơ to store yor leather shoes properly, after 3 years of using, your pải of shies may still look new.

1. Don’t let your shoes get wet too often

When real leather shoes get wet, the leather will be crouched or soon wear out. Therefore, you should not wear these leather shoes during the rain or walking over a swamp.


If it rains you can use a male shoe bag to limit wetting.

If your shoes are wet, you need to immediately take out the insoles and dry out. Then, use a piece of soft cotton cloth to wash away dirt and absorb the moist. With men’s leather shoes, instead of drying it out under the sun or using a hair dryer, you should let it dry out itself inside the house. This way, the leather will not be dried or broken.

2. Baby powder can be very effective in protecting men’s leather shoes

Not many people know that using baby powder is very effective way to protect men’s leather shoes. For those with sweaty feet, squirt a little baby powder into your shoes before using them. It will help to absorb moist and bad smells inside your shoes.

3. Men’s leather shoes should be polished regularly

You should often polish your shoes to keep them clean, because your shoes are exposed to lots of dirt every day. You can use the following ingredients to do this.


Use fresh milk to clean your shoes to make your shoes softer

You can use banana peels to polish your shoes. Banana peels contain a key ingredient found in commercial shoe polishes – potassium that helps to clean out dirt and make your shoes shiny. It is very safe and will not erode your men shoes like other industrial chemicals.

Use milk to polish your shoes. Though milk does not make your shoes shiny as banana peels, it makes men’s leather shoes softer and not broken.

4. Using lard grease

You should use a piece of lard grease to rub over leather surface before storing shoes. Not everyone knows that grease will prevent your leather shoes from exposing to the air. As a result, it will not lose moisture and will not be cracked and worn out.

5. Use Shoetree to store men’s leather shoes

After a long time of being used, Men’s leather shoes may be squeezed, lose its shape with fracture lines. To avoid this you should use Shoe tree. Shoe tree is a device approximating the shape of a foot. You can place it inside your shoe to preserve its shape and make it stretched. 

High quality shoe trees are often made from solid oak wood because it absorbs moisture very well. However, this material is expensive and rare. Instead, you can use plastic shoe tree and add moisture-proof bags inside shoes. If you can’t buy them, you can make shoe tree on your own by adding old newspapers or cottons inside your shoes.


If you apply the above 5 tips, even after 3 years of using your men leather shoes will always look shiny. Last but not least, an important factor to your shoes’ durability is high class shoe material and firmly made shoes soles. You need to check them carefully in order to buy a good pair of shoes.

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